Populaire bestemmingen in Egypte

Chinees Mandarijn cursussen in Luxor met Language International
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Chinees Mandarijn cursussen in Luxor met Language International

SOORTEN CURSUS Chinees Mandarijn

Naar wat voor soort taalcursus Chinees Mandarijn bent u op zoek?


Algemene taalcursussen Chinees Mandarijn

Algemene cursussen Chinees Mandarijn zijn voor volwassenen die hun spreek-, luister-, lees- en schrijfvaardigheid in het Chinees Mandarijn willen verbeteren. Meeste taalcursussen zijn voor volwassenen van 16 jaar en ouder. 2 - 48 week taalcursussen verkrijgbaar. Meeste intensieve cursussen in !region hebben gemiddeld 30 lessen per week.

Vragen & antwoorden

Heeft u vragen? Krijg antwoord van onze student adviseurs en medewerkers en oud-studenten van Language International.

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Vertaling bekijken

"Could you tell me if the student will get his visa documents from you to apply for a visa at the Egyptian embassy? Would he need an original invitation letter from your school or can an emailed version work?"

Dyan Test, student van USA
Mathieu Aebi, medewerker van VOXEA SA
There is no need for any document or invitation letter for Tourist Visa. He should just ask for it at Egypt Embassy in the UK, and require it to be lasting for 60 days. This is the longest possible visa which can be required from abroad, but he will be able to extend it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Luxor if needed. (here is a link where you can find more information about it http://www.worldtravelguide.net/egypt/passport-visa ).
Was dit nuttig? Ja
Vertaling bekijken

"Could you please tell me if he'll get his visa documents from you to apply for a visa at the Egyptian embassy? Would he need an original invitation letter from your school or can an emailed version work?"

William Bowen, student van VK
Marc Ducraux, medewerker van Institut Richelieu
There is no need for any document or invitation letter for Tourist Visa. He should just ask for it at Egypt Embassy in the UK, and require it to be lasting for 60 days. This is the longest possible visa which can be required from abroad, but he will be able to extend it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Luxor if needed. (here is a link where you can find more information about it http://www.worldtravelguide.net/egypt/passport-visa ).
Was dit nuttig? Ja