Intensive German Summer Course Vienna

Humboldt-Institut Vienna


Cursus onderwerpen

Het luisteren, sprekend, uitspraak, lezing, het schrijven, woordenschat, grammatica en activiteiten

Klas schema

Tijdsduur van de cursus
2-4 weken
Start data
29 jun 2025 en 13 jul 2025
Start data voor beginners
29 jun 2025
Lessen per week
30 lessons per week (elke les duurt 45 min)
maandag - vrijdag


08:30 - 13:00
14:15 - 15:45

Les rooster kan veranderen afhankelijk van beschikbaarheid en seizoen.

Cursus beschrijving

German summer courses

Additional German summer courses are available from June to August in exciting cities like Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Munich or Vienna as well as in beautiful smaller towns all over Germany. Our students’ safety is always assured — regardless of the course center chosen — through our 24-hour staff supervision. Like the year-round German courses, the summer courses also comprise 30 lessons per week and follow the same curriculum. Classes run from Monday to Friday and cover the areas of listening and reading comprehension, writing skills, speaking skills and grammar. The lessons are especially structured and designed for younger and adolescent students. They are interactive and demanding, very effective and fun!


Alle niveau's, beginner tot geavanceerd
U zult een toets afleggen op je eerste dag om zo te kunnen evalueren welke uw klasniveau is. U kunt deze test ook doen voor aankomst in !Regio.


Gemiddeld 10 studenten
Maximaal 11 studenten

Studenten leeftijd

Leeftijdsgroep 14 - 18 jaar oud
Gemiddeld 16 jaar oud


Een certificaat van voltooiing zal uitgereikt worden aan het einde van de cursus.
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  • Studenten huisvesting aangeboden door Humboldt-Institut Vienna 1/13
  • Gebouw van Humboldt-Institut Vienna 2/13
  • Humboldt-Institut Vienna 3/13
  • Classes at Humboldt-Institut Vienna 4/13
  • Studenten van Humboldt-Institut Vienna 5/13
  • Gebouw van Humboldt-Institut Vienna 6/13
  • Aktiviteiten aangeboden bij Humboldt-Institut Vienna 7/13
  • Classes at Humboldt-Institut Vienna 8/13
  • City of Wenen 9/13
  • Studenten van Humboldt-Institut Vienna 10/13
  • City of Wenen 11/13
  • Classes at Humboldt-Institut Vienna 12/13
  • Classes at Humboldt-Institut Vienna 13/13


100% aanbevolen

gebaseerd op 2 beoordelingen
5 sterren
4 sterren
3 sterren
2 sterren
1 ster
School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie

"I will return to Humboldt-Institut courses."

Antonia-Laetiția Bălinișteanu, student van Roemenië

Experience at Humboldt School has been constructive. Teachers have ease in communication, everything seems simple. Courses are complex in content. The location in Düsseldorf has been optimally placed, with quick access to public transport and a beautiful natural environment, very close to the Rhine River. Complex activities alternate with the rest program.

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
1 week
Studie datum
15 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.

"It was very fun and very international!"

Anya Berchtold, student van USA

I really loved meeting new people from different countries and getting to know them. The hostel was nice, although my first roommate wasn’t great but the staff was able to move me to a new room and I’m very grateful for that. The hostel food was good and they had a nice variety to choose from. Lunch was alright, but they would run out of the good food and we would be left with some questionable option. The boat looked identical to a real high school- I forgot that I was on a boat sometimes! Classes were good and again I wasn’t happy in my first class (A1, it was very slow to me), but the staff halped me move to a higher class and there I was happier. I do believe my German improved- I now know the basics- but I was expecting it to be a little better from the name “intensive”. With the other students we mostly spoke English, just because we were all at different levels and it was hard to hold conversations for most of us. Most of the activities were fun, although it always seemed like the staff were a bit underprepared. My favorite activity was the ropes course we did one weekend. I wish we had more free time to explore for ourselves in the city because usually they only gave us an hour or two, which went by quickly. I was expecting us to have a bit more freedom from the description, but overall it was a fun program!

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
3 weken
Studie datum
1 Jul 2018 - 27 Jul 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.


Humboldt-Institut Vienna biedt de volgende soorten huisvesting aan:

Studentenhuis - 2-persoons gedeelde kamer - Ontbijt, lunch en avondeten


Student residence (off-campus) - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Leeftijdsgroep: 15 - 18 jaar oud
adres: Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 73, Vienna 1200, Austria
Locatie: In the city center of Wenen
Soort huisvesting: Studentenresidentie (off-campus)
Kamertype: 2-persoons gedeelde kamer
Maaltijden: Ontbijt, lunch en avondeten (21 maaltijden per week)
Faciliteiten: Eigen badkamer, wasserij, draadloos internet, verwarming, 24/7 toezicht, sportfaciliteiten, en ander
Afstand tot school: 10 minuten met de walk
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
Modern hostel close to the city center of Vienna

Our students live in the Hostel "Wien Brigittenau", Vienna's most modern youth hostel. It is ideally located between the Danube Island and the down town area of Vienna. This way, the guest house combines the atmosphere of the big city with the advantages of a quiet and safe residential area. The classrooms on the "Bertha-von-Suttner" school ship are within walking distance. The city center with its many historic and cultural sights can easily be reached during the free time. The near-by Danube Island is an oasis of tranqulity and is ideal for relaxation, sports and manifold leisure activities.

Comfortable modern twin rooms

Our students stay exclusively in comfortable, modern twin rooms, which all have en suite bathroom facilities (shower/WC) and air condition. A room is always shared by two students. When choosing roommates we are very careful to select people of similar age and German knowledge, yet different native language, to encourage them to practice their German with each other. Male and female students live on different floors of the hostel.

Full board

We provide full board for our teenagers, which includes three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) a day. Breakfast and dinner will be served in the dining room of the youth hostel, while lunch will be served on board of the ship.


Laundry service is offered to our students free of charge once a week.

Visa assistentie

We kunnen geen visas voor studenten aanvragen. De school kan u echter wel met alle benodigde documentatie voorzien die u nodig heeft voor uw visa aanvraag.

Uw acceptatiebrief zal gratis naar uw huisadres per normale post worden gestuurd. Indien u uw documentatie per express post wilt ontvangen zal 125 € in rekening gebracht worden bij uw registratie.

Vlucht en airport transfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Wenen based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studeer in het buitenland zonder zorgen met Language International's medische en persoonlijke effecten verzekeringsdekking. Wanneer u een cursus met ons reserveert, kunt u kiezen om een internationaal plan te kopen die niet alleen uw medische kosten dekt maar ook het verlies van persoonlijke spullen. U moet uw verzekering van te voren reserveren wanneer u registreert.

Lees meer omtrent ons verzekeringsplan »

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Vragen & antwoorden

Heeft u vragen? Krijg antwoord van onze student adviseurs en medewerkers en oud-studenten van Humboldt-Institut Vienna.

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