Instituto Cultural Idioma
R. Florianópolis, 96 - Barra Salvador - BA 40140-320, Salvador, Bahia 404140-320, Brazil
Instituto Cultural Idioma
You can choose from the following class times:
Les rooster kan veranderen afhankelijk van beschikbaarheid en seizoen.
Group classes have a maximum of 9 students in a group, have four sessions per day and happen from Monday through Friday. There is always a 20-minute break after 2 sessions. So, a four-session class has its break half way through - after one hour and 40 minutes.
A group must have a minimum of 3 students. In the event that there is only one student enrolled in a group course, classes will be reduced to 50% of the regular schedule. If there are only two students enrolled in a group the classes will be reduced to 75%.
Every class at every level contains grammar, reading, and writing activities as well as interactive role-playing activities for all group members. Speaking, listening, comprehension practice, and Brazilian music complement the more formal parts of the lesson.
On the first day, students receive a book which must be acquired and paid on the spot that supports their learning process throughout the course. Inside and outside the classroom, teachers and other members of the school staff encourage the students to use as much language as they can in Portuguese, so the student can practice what is learned during the classes.
Gemiddeld | 5 studenten |
Maximaal | 9 studenten |
Leeftijdsgroep | 18 jaren oud en ouder |
Gemiddeld | 30 jaren oud (27 tijdens de zomer) |
ICI, een Portugese taalschool voor Brazilianen en internationale studenten, is in mei 2002 opgericht door ons, twee leraren met meer dan twintig jaar ervaring met lesgeven aan universiteiten en taalinstellingen en studeert in en buiten Brazilië.
ICI werkt met alle communicatieniveaus in het Portugees. Deze cursussen worden het hele jaar door gegeven. ICI werkt met een systeem van wekelijkse inschrijving, wat betekent dat het mogelijk is om op elke maandag te starten. Cursus lengte variërend van een week tot een willekeurig aantal maanden.
We kunnen uw klanten een meer betekenisvolle en persoonlijke ervaring bieden in Brazilië. De taal leren maakt dat mogelijk. Vanaf het begin van de programma's hebben studenten contact met native speakers, binnen en buiten de klas. Er zullen veel kansen zijn om te leren uzelf te uiten buiten het klaslokaal. We kunnen zelfs diegenen helpen die geïnteresseerd zijn in vrijwilligerswerk in het gebied, door een uitwisseling aan te bieden die niet alleen het leren van een taal omvat, maar ook de voldoening van het helpen van andere mensen.
Bij ICI krijgen studenten een dieper inzicht in het prachtige en boeiende land dat Brazilië is door zich te verdiepen in de cultuur, tradities en geschiedenis - dit alles terwijl ze genieten van de voordelen van de levendige hoofdstad Salvador en Portugees leren spreken terwijl ze omringd worden door zijn warme milieu.
Ze omringen zich ook met een staf van leraren en andere ondersteunende professionals wiens missie het is om zich op hen en de kwaliteit van hun ervaring te concentreren. Ons personeel bestaat uit zeer getalenteerde en toegewijde mensen die er alles aan doen om te voldoen aan de behoeften van onze klanten, of het nu gaat om lesplannen op maat of individueel geplande avonturenpakketten op basis van hun interesses.
Als onze studenten niet tevreden zijn of als de dingen niet volgens plan verlopen, hebben ze niet alleen een schouder om op te leunen, maar ook een staf die hemel en aarde wil bewegen om te helpen en ervoor te zorgen dat hun ervaring in Bahia de beste is het zou mogelijk kunnen zijn.
ICI has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Brazilië. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
De nationaliteiten- en leeftijden mix in Instituto Cultural Idioma varieert over verschillende tijd periodes, taalcursussen en niveau's. Gedurende het jaar is de gemiddelde leeftijd 30. Tijdens de zomer is de gemiddelde leeftijd 27.
De school heeft studenten vanuit de hele wereld, inclusief:
Het Instituto Cultural Idioma ligt in een van de beste wijken van Salvador, Barra, op 200 meter van het strand en naast verschillende restaurants en winkels. De locatie van de school is ideaal om Portugees te studeren: studenten kunnen kiezen voor een groepscursus, een-op-een of zelfs beter om beide cursussen te combineren met de combo's!
Studeren aan ICI betekent zowel de Portugese taal als de Braziliaanse cultuur leren. De lessen hebben een sociaal-culturele thematische benadering en streven ernaar studenten in contact te brengen met Brazilië, Salvador en het Braziliaanse volk, voor een beter algemeen begrip van de cultuur. Daarom bieden we onze studenten een verscheidenheid aan leeractiviteiten die buiten de klas plaatsvinden, zoals excursies naar culturele bezienswaardigheden, het bezoeken van markten, supermarkten of musea en andere sociaal-culturele instellingen.
The school itself was very convenient and comfortable. The teacher was good but she just stuck to the book all the time and didn,it mm didn't bring in material (like videos or reading) from the "real world." This made the class a little repetitive. I felt that there weren't enough extracurricular activities planned: usually just two per week. This left me wondering what to do with all my free time in the afternoons. The school staff was wonderful: they made coffee every day for the students to drink during out morning breaks and one day they even brought samples of local foods for us to try. The housing that I arranged through the school was both good and bad. It was good in that the host mother was excellent: communicative and caring. It was bad in that there was no air conditioning and it was impossible to open the windows given the noise on the street on the first floor. Overall the Experience was good. I would just recommend that the teacher bring in a lot more authentic material into the classroom and that several more extracurricular activities be planned each week.
Toon details » lees meer...It is a waste of space, time and money. If you are a complete beginner, and especially if you are not a Spanish/French/Italian native speaker, avoid this school. They do not teach and cannot teach Portuguese. What they do is correct your bad Portuguese. So if you know a lot of Portuguese words and basic grammar and want to refresh your existing and most likely broken Portuguese, then maybe you will find this school useful. Big maybe.
Another point is that do not book more than a week of classes, at any school. Pay for a week and try them out first and if you like the school, extend your stay right at the school. I regret paying for 4 weeks upfront; wasting 2 weeks of my life trying to make it work and then simply quitting the school and giving them my money as a gift. The money they did not earn or deserve. Disgusting experience.
Good luck!
The small class was great, it meant each student got a lot of attention from the teacher.
The teachers (Catia and Catrina) were amazing - really friendly, helpful and good at explaining the difficulties in Portuguese pronunciation or grammar.
Great location, really easy to find but also quiet.
It would be nice if the school could put on more cultural activities or things to do outside of the classroom. Brazil and Salvador have so much going on all the time, it would be a really great way for the students to get to know the city and the culture.
It’s a safe location in a really cute house. Everyone was warm and inviting. My teacher spoke only Portuguese and Spanish but did an amazing job communicating with me. We worked on my listening and responding skills as well as working out of the text book. On Fridays they have a cooking class, making a traditional Baiano dish. They accommodated my vegan and gluten-free diet. It was so much fun and I felt a part of a community. I really wished I booked more than one week!!!
Toon details » lees meer...The school is located in a private house sandwiched between (now) two huge appartement building in the Barra neighborhood of Salvador. The neighborhood is fairly safe, has several small shops of all kind and is within walking distance of Shopping Barra, and even of the Barra lighthouse and the beach, but expect some hills! The infrastructure is fine with several class , and rooms as well as computer facilities and water available to students. And Lara in the secretariat was always ready to provide help and suggestions.
During the first few days of the first week of my stay, I was almost alone, save for one other student who had a different level. so instead of a group course I had 2 hours of individual classes per day with one of two coordinators/teachers of the school ,who patiently helped me in my first learning steps for Portuguese.
Later on and during the last two weeks of my three week course , more participants arrived and I was in a group course. The teacher was excellent: She had a very structured and systematic approach, exuded enthusiasm and was very lively and varied in her teaching. Catia was perceptive of the strength and weaknesses of the various students and actively encouraged each one's participation. I definitely learned a lot : about grammar, pronunciation, slang, music and the general culture of Brasil. Catia is definitely one of the best teachers I have ever had.
The only point about which I was a bit disappointed concerned the limited extra-curricular activities. There was one visit to the Casa da Musica , an afternoon cooking activity and a sun-down drink at the Alliance Française. I could see that with current staff levels it might not be even feasible for the Institute to organize a lot of extracurricular activities .But it would be very helpful if - alternatively- there were some brochures available in the secretariat to indicate interesting places to visit, such as eg museums, parts of town, locations of dance or cultural courses or to provide a list of cultural events, exhibitions, concerts etc.. . taking place in the city so that students would know what is going on in town, and could discover for themselves.
It would also be useful if the Institute could suggest a newspaper, magazine/ publication/internet site which students could buy or consult to find out about events. It could certainly help for students to have a more diversified experience it they so wish.
Finally, at a risk of revealing my age :a physical map of the city on the wall of the secretariat would also be nice :-):-)
I did not use the housing facilities as I was staying with a private family I knew before coming;
I attended Instituto Cultural Idioma while working at the local university. The combination of immersive language use in my professional and personal life and courses that I could take at the speed I needed allowed for really amazing language learning. The staff were skilled and provided language frameworks that helped contextualize the language I was learning to use elsewhere. My trip to Brazil wouldn't have been the same without the school.
Toon details » lees meer...The school was very nice. The teacher also. They were very friendly and helpful.
What I did not like was the following: I booked one week. Because of carnival the school did not start on Monday as I booked, but on Wednesday. I could stay with the family the days before which was great. I started school on Wednesday and I asked when I could make up the two missing days and if it would be possible the upcoming week. She told me it would be ok. So I came to class on Wednesday morning and she asked me around 12 noon if I could stay in the afternoon to make up the class. I told her no, because I already planned to meet with to architects friends of my uncle. So she told me no problem. Since the secretary told me I could make up class also next Thursday and Friday I booked a trip to the chiapada diamantina. As I left on Friday she handed me a bill. I asked her what that was for. She told me for the two additional days. I told her I was in school for three days and booked five. So she told me she will talk about that to the administration. So I had one day on Thursday and no day on Friday, because Thursday was private and that was a lot of discussion that I did not have to pay it extra.
Anyway everything else at the school was perfect and also very recommendable.
Was all good. Very happy with everything. No complaints.
Toon details » lees meer...Lokale accomodaties worden zorgvuldig uitgekozen en bieden studenten de mogelijkheid aan om meer te weten te komen van de lokale cultuur in een comfotabele omgeving terwijl ze Portugees in Salvador studeren. Deze huizen liggen vaak tussen 5 - 15 minuten af van de school met openbaar vervoer. Families bieden normaliter betaalbare maaltijdplannen aan die u in staat stellen om de lokale keuken uit te proberen. Indien u speciale verzoeken heeft of dieet restricties (ivm religie of medische redenen), laat ons aub van te voren weten. Uw huisvesting begint op de Zondag voor uw eerste lesdag en eindigt op de Zaterdag na de laatste lesdag. Huisvestingopties worden aangeboden met toename van telkens één-week, te zijn tenzij anders vermeld. Lees meer over lokale accomodaties
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Het is mogelijk om in een huurappartement te verblijven gedurende uw studie in Salvador, maar dit kan duurder te zijn. ICI levert enige hulp met appartementen huur of u kunt zelf een appartement huren. Lees meer over appartmentverblijf
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals
We kunnen geen visas voor studenten aanvragen. De school kan u echter wel met alle benodigde documentatie voorzien die u nodig heeft voor uw visa aanvraag.
Uw acceptatiebrief zal gratis naar uw huisadres per post worden gestuurd.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Salvador based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studeer in het buitenland zonder zorgen met Language International's medische en persoonlijke effecten verzekeringsdekking. Wanneer u een cursus met ons reserveert, kunt u kiezen om een internationaal plan te kopen die niet alleen uw medische kosten dekt maar ook het verlies van persoonlijke spullen. U moet uw verzekering van te voren reserveren wanneer u registreert.
Heeft u vragen? Krijg antwoord van onze student adviseurs en medewerkers en oud-studenten van Instituto Cultural Idioma.
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