General English 15 Morning

The English Studio London


Cursus onderwerpen

Het luisteren, sprekend, uitspraak, lezing, het schrijven, woordenschat en grammatica

Klas schema

Tijdsduur van de cursus
1-44 weken
Start data
Elke Maandag
Lessen per week
15 lessons per week (elke les duurt 60 min)
maandag - vrijdag


You can choose from the following class times:

09:15 - 12:30

Les rooster kan veranderen afhankelijk van beschikbaarheid en seizoen.

Cursus beschrijving

Our General English courses are for people of all levels of English beginners to near-native speakers. No matter how much you already know, all of our General English Courses will teach you to speak English better and more fluently.

We'll develop practical communication skills, with special emphasis on speaking, pronunciation and listening. Our friendly teachers use a variety of teaching methods to make sure there's plenty of practice involved.


Alle niveau's, beginner tot geavanceerd
U zult een toets afleggen op je eerste dag om zo te kunnen evalueren welke uw klasniveau is. U kunt deze test ook doen voor aankomst in !Regio.


Gemiddeld 9 studenten
Maximaal 15 studenten

Studenten leeftijd

Leeftijdsgroep 16 jaren oud en ouder


Een certificaat van voltooiing zal uitgereikt worden aan het einde van de cursus.
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  • Studenten van The English Studio London 1/20
  • Docenten en Personeel bij The English Studio London 2/20
  • Classes at The English Studio London 3/20
  • Classes at The English Studio London 4/20
  • Receptie van The English Studio London 5/20
  • Classes at The English Studio London 6/20
  • Studenten huisvesting aangeboden door The English Studio London 7/20
  • Studenten huisvesting aangeboden door The English Studio London 8/20
  • Studenten huisvesting aangeboden door The English Studio London 9/20
  • The English Studio London 10/20
  • The English Studio London 11/20
  • The English Studio London 12/20
  • The English Studio London 13/20
  • The English Studio London 14/20
  • The English Studio London 15/20
  • The English Studio London 16/20
  • The English Studio London 17/20
  • The English Studio London 18/20
  • The English Studio London 19/20
  • The English Studio London 20/20


100% aanbevolen

gebaseerd op 5 beoordelingen
5 sterren
4 sterren
3 sterren
2 sterren
1 ster
School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie

"It was very good"

Elena scarabattoli, student van Italië

The position of school is very comfortable. Staff is very available and friendly. The teachers are very prepared and enticing.

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
3 weken
Studie datum
6 Aug 2018 - 31 Aug 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.


Livio Betti, student van Italië

The experience made was generally satisfactory. The school and accommodation were very close and this facilitated travel. The accommodation was comfortable and well cared for, I stayed on the fourth floor where it was sometimes a bit hot. As for the school I'm satisfied the organization of teaching was done very well. I had two teachers, the first Ebru was really very good the lessons were fun and full, the second was Hugh that I did not really like, maybe he did not have much experience, his lessons were slow and boring sometimes he did not know what do and did not follow the program much. The thing that I preferred was staying in touch with guys from all over the world and sharing the English language together. I would definitely repeat the experience.

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
3 weken
Studie datum
30 Jul 2018 - 24 Aug 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.

"Useful, functional and comfortable"

eleonora massaro, student van Italië

Competent professors, kind staff, correctness and professionalism.

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
3 weken
Studie datum
30 Jul 2018 - 24 Aug 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.

"Very helpful to deal with me english depth"

Emma DRHOUIN, student van Frankrijk

I spend 3 weeks at the English studio and I found it very friendly. People were nice with me, I had great experience with my classmates because they were from others countries and I think it is nice to meet people from all over the world.
Then my teacher was very kind. I found his knowledge and his way to teach very good. It allows me to learn new vocabulary and to be more comfortable with speaking.
It was a great experience.

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
2 weken
Studie datum
2 Jul 2018 - 20 Jul 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.

"Very rewarding"

Dienaba Nimaga, student van Frankrijk

he teacher was nice, the school was located near my place of residence, moreover it is in a good zone and the proposed activities are nice

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Mijn waardering voor deze school

School faciliteiten
Sociale aktiviteiten
School locatie
Studie datum
16 Apr 2018 - 20 Apr 2018
Zou u deze school aanbevelen?
Dit is een geverifieerde recensie. Deze student heeft een opleiding aan deze school geboekt via Language International.


The English Studio London biedt de volgende soorten huisvesting aan:

Homestay - Single-person room - Geen maaltijden

278 €

Homestay - Single Room - Self Catered - Zone 3 & 4

Soort huisvesting: Homestay
Kamertype: Single-person room
Maaltijden: Geen maaltijden
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
278 €
Choosing a Homestay option will make learning English in London even easier because your hosts will be English speakers, and there’s no better way to practise what you learn in your English lessons than by chatting to people who live here.

About London Homestays:
Working with British Council registered partners we have placed thousands of students with hosts all over the city. Hosts are recruited, trained and supported by our highly-trusted partners to ensure excellent service levels are delivered to each and every student.

Our network of hosts are located in London zones 2 to 5, and where you are located is entirely your choice! We will be there each step of the way to offer guidance in making the right decision. Students are able to choose the right combination of services to best fit their needs — offering self-catering through to half-board meal plans and either single or twin rooms.

All accommodations are subject to availability.

Homestay - Single-person room - Ontbijt

323 €

Homestay - Single Room - Bed & Breakfast - Zone 3 & 4

Soort huisvesting: Homestay
Kamertype: Single-person room
Maaltijden: Ontbijt (7 maaltijden per week)
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
323 €
Choosing a Homestay option will make learning English in London even easier because your hosts will be English speakers, and there’s no better way to practise what you learn in your English lessons than by chatting to people who live here.

About London Homestays:
Working with British Council registered partners we have placed thousands of students with hosts all over the city. Hosts are recruited, trained and supported by our highly-trusted partners to ensure excellent service levels are delivered to each and every student.

Our network of hosts are located in London zones 2 to 5, and where you are located is entirely your choice! We will be there each step of the way to offer guidance in making the right decision. Students are able to choose the right combination of services to best fit their needs — offering self-catering through to half-board meal plans and either single or twin rooms.

All accommodations are subject to availability.

Homestay - Single-person room - Geen maaltijden

355 €

Homestay - Single Room - Self Catered - Zone 2

Soort huisvesting: Homestay
Kamertype: Single-person room
Maaltijden: Geen maaltijden
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
355 €
Choosing a Homestay option will make learning English in London even easier because your hosts will be English speakers, and there’s no better way to practise what you learn in your English lessons than by chatting to people who live here.

About London Homestays:
Working with British Council registered partners we have placed thousands of students with hosts all over the city. Hosts are recruited, trained and supported by our highly-trusted partners to ensure excellent service levels are delivered to each and every student.

Our network of hosts are located in London zones 2 to 5, and where you are located is entirely your choice! We will be there each step of the way to offer guidance in making the right decision. Students are able to choose the right combination of services to best fit their needs — offering self-catering through to half-board meal plans and either single or twin rooms.

All accommodations are subject to availability.

Homestay - Single-person room - Ontbijt en avondeten

368 €

Homestay - Single Room - Breakfast & Dinner - Zone 3 & 4

Soort huisvesting: Homestay
Kamertype: Single-person room
Maaltijden: Ontbijt en avondeten (14 maaltijden per week)
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
368 €
Choosing a Homestay option will make learning English in London even easier because your hosts will be English speakers, and there’s no better way to practise what you learn in your English lessons than by chatting to people who live here.

About London Homestays:
Working with British Council registered partners we have placed thousands of students with hosts all over the city. Hosts are recruited, trained and supported by our highly-trusted partners to ensure excellent service levels are delivered to each and every student.

Our network of hosts are located in London zones 2 to 5, and where you are located is entirely your choice! We will be there each step of the way to offer guidance in making the right decision. Students are able to choose the right combination of services to best fit their needs — offering self-catering through to half-board meal plans and either single or twin rooms.

All accommodations are subject to availability.

Homestay - Single-person room - Ontbijt

381 €

Homestay - Single Room - Bed & Breakfast - Zone 2

Soort huisvesting: Homestay
Kamertype: Single-person room
Maaltijden: Ontbijt (7 maaltijden per week)
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
381 €
Choosing a Homestay option will make learning English in London even easier because your hosts will be English speakers, and there’s no better way to practise what you learn in your English lessons than by chatting to people who live here.

About London Homestays:
Working with British Council registered partners we have placed thousands of students with hosts all over the city. Hosts are recruited, trained and supported by our highly-trusted partners to ensure excellent service levels are delivered to each and every student.

Our network of hosts are located in London zones 2 to 5, and where you are located is entirely your choice! We will be there each step of the way to offer guidance in making the right decision. Students are able to choose the right combination of services to best fit their needs — offering self-catering through to half-board meal plans and either single or twin rooms.

All accommodations are subject to availability.

Homestay - Single-person room - Ontbijt en avondeten

439 €

Homestay - Single Room - Breakfast & Dinner - Zone 2

Soort huisvesting: Homestay
Kamertype: Single-person room
Maaltijden: Ontbijt en avondeten (14 maaltijden per week)
Beschikbaarheid: januari - december
Aankomstdag: zondag, altijd
Vertrekdag: zaterdag, altijd
439 €
Choosing a Homestay option will make learning English in London even easier because your hosts will be English speakers, and there’s no better way to practise what you learn in your English lessons than by chatting to people who live here.

About London Homestays:
Working with British Council registered partners we have placed thousands of students with hosts all over the city. Hosts are recruited, trained and supported by our highly-trusted partners to ensure excellent service levels are delivered to each and every student.

Our network of hosts are located in London zones 2 to 5, and where you are located is entirely your choice! We will be there each step of the way to offer guidance in making the right decision. Students are able to choose the right combination of services to best fit their needs — offering self-catering through to half-board meal plans and either single or twin rooms.

All accommodations are subject to availability.

Visa assistentie

We kunnen geen visas voor studenten aanvragen. De school kan u echter wel met alle benodigde documentatie voorzien die u nodig heeft voor uw visa aanvraag.

Indien u voor meer dan 11 maanden in de VK studeert, zult u een referentie nummer ontvangen genaamd Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) die u bij de VK ambassade in dient te leveren samen met uw Standaard Studenten Visa aanmeldingsformulier. Studenten die succesvol een talen cursus gereserveerd hebben en die hun kosten betaald hebben zullen een CAS van ontvangen. Let aub op dat UK wet aangeeft dat een CAS alleen aan studenten gegeven kan worden die Engelse taal studies willen gaan doen die meer dan 11 maanden duren.

Indien u voor 11 maanden of minder in de VK studeert, dient u een speciale bezoeker's visa aan te vragen genaamd Student Visitor Visa. Als student bezoeker, zult u niet in staat zijn part-time te werken terwijl u studeert. Indien u van plan bent om 11 maanden of minder in de UK te studeren, zal een acceptatiebrief naar u gestuurd worden tegen geen extra kosten. Indien u uw documenten via express post wilt ontvangen zult u £ 80 in rekening gebracht worden bij uw registratie.

Lees meer over het verkrijgen van een VK visa »

Vlucht en airport transfer

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Londen based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studeer in het buitenland zonder zorgen met Language International's medische en persoonlijke effecten verzekeringsdekking. Wanneer u een cursus met ons reserveert, kunt u kiezen om een internationaal plan te kopen die niet alleen uw medische kosten dekt maar ook het verlies van persoonlijke spullen. U moet uw verzekering van te voren reserveren wanneer u registreert.

Lees meer omtrent ons verzekeringsplan »

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Vragen & antwoorden

Heeft u vragen? Krijg antwoord van onze student adviseurs en medewerkers en oud-studenten van The English Studio London.

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